Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - Essay Example The Governor of Texas, John Connally and his better half was also present there inside the car along with Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy. Sitting in a Lincoln convertible, the Kennedys and Connallys waved at the extensive and energetic swarms assembled along the parade way. As their vehicle passed the Texas School Book Depository Building at 12:30 p.m., Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot three shots from the sixth storey, lethally wounding President Kennedy and genuinely harming Governor Connally. Kennedy was professed dead 30 minutes after the fact at Dallas Parkland Hospital. He was 46. Following the incident, several investigative sources stated several reasons behind the assassination of the President. There were numerous questions among the general public like, â€Å"who killed the president?† and â€Å"why he was killed?† this report will find the answers for these questions. Thus the thesis statement here can be established as, â€Å"exploring the mystery behind the presiden t’s murder and finding out the most reasonable theory related to the murder†. Maybe the focal mystery is the means by which a man who appeared to be a loser could execute such a horrendous action. Lee Harvey Oswald was aimless, to a great extent alone, distracted, as per the official Warren Commission report. Yet in seconds, he changed the course of history. History is loaded with ludicrous truths – yet regardless. The single shooter hypothesis is one numerous Americans discover hard to acknowledge. The Warren Commission, headed by US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, stated that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. At the same time today, 61 percent of the respondents to another Gallup survey still say they accept somebody other than Oswald was involved in the case. There are three more mysteries related to the incident. Thin at the starting, they open to uncover bigger inquiries at the close. Numerous investigators pose to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Psychology Concerns

Psychology Concerns Psychology concerns itself with the understanding of human behavior. In order to do this effectively, psychologists use a diverse range of perspectives, even when researching a single theme.   This assignment intends to discuss the claim that ‘there is a lot to be gained by studying a topic in psychology from more than one perspective. In order to discuss this claim, it will be necessary to provide definition of the terms ‘conflict, ‘coexist and ‘complement. These terms will then be applied to the themes of language and meaning and sex and gender in order to provide discussion of the claim made. It will become apparent that due to the complexity and multidimensional nature of these perspectives, the claim is truthful. Different psychologists have taken different perspectives on single psychological issues, they have produced differing theories and carried out research from their chosen perspective in order to achieve the evidence required to support these claims. These differing perspectives may conflict, (where the contrasting claims of different perspectives are mutually exclusive and cannot be resolved). They may be complimentary (where contrasting claims are mutually compatible and can be accommodated within a common explanatory framework) or they may coexist (when particular perspectives, even in the same topic area, have no real point of contact: they neither conflict nor complement one another)(Cooper Roth 2007.) There are three perspectives involved in the research into language and meaning. These are evolutionary, social constructionist and cognitive. Evolutionary perspective investigates the influence of evolution on behavior; it looks at language as a characteristic that is obtained at species level and that evolution creates the meaning The evolutionary perspective concerns itself with the influence that evolution is believed to have had upon behavior. This perspective looks at language as a characteristic gained at species level, proposing that the meaning of language was created via evolution. The process of evolution has created linguistic ability and therefore the capacity for meaning to be applied to language. Scientific investigations into the study of animals have highlighted that language in humans are different in comparison to that of non-humans. Pinker and Bloom (1990) suggest that language has numerous reproductive advantages; it was also proposed that the social significance of language has had great impact on human evolution. Evolutionary psychologists recognize language as being uniquely human and dependent upon subtle and meaningful interactions with others, this exemplifies the evolutionary perspectives coexistence with the social constructionist perspective. Leading on, the social constructionist perspective looks at language as the way in which people, through social interactions with others, construct their world. This perspective has been evidenced via hermeneutic studies. It is also proposed that language and meaning plays as role in the pursuit of goals and purposes of everyday life (Cooper and Kaye 2007). This concept regarding the pursuit of goals is not unlike the idea proposed in evolutionary psychology; that there are evolutionary factors at play when advantageous adaptive characteristics are passed through generations. These perspectives together, demonstrate that in creation of meaning for individuals external factors are influential, thus demonstrating coexistence. Cognitive psychologists take a contrasting approach to language; their perspective is that of a information processing system within the person. A computational model is used to hypothesise the contribution of both bottom-up and top-down processing of information, which underlies the creation of meaning. Evidence in support of this is obtained though scientific experiments. The cognitive approach purports that meaning precedes language. Therefore communication is considered to be the transmission of meanings between individual speakers, in contrast the perspective adopted by social constructionists claim that meaning is created between people within the goals and purpose of the conversation, this is often disputed by the persons concerned (Cooper Kaye 2007). This demonstrates conflict within the cognitive and social constructionist perspectives. Conflicts can arise within a single perspective as illustrated by Pinker (2000) and Sperber (2000) (both cited by Cooper Kaye 2007), they offered differing explanations regarding views on language within the evolutionary perspective. Pinker proposed that cognitive abilities are built upon the foundation provided by language, however Sperber proposed that language was a by-product of information processing and these cognitive abilities came first (Cooper Kaye 2007).   It is these very conflicts that invite debates within psychology and provide the justification for additional research. Moving on the writer will now evaluate coexistence or conflict between the various studies conducted with regards to sex and gender. The perspectives used, to explore sex and gender, are psychoanalytic, social constructionist, biological and evolutionary perspectives. Again, these perspectives use different research methods and therefore produce differing theories, providing diverse accounts of sex and gender which enhances the complexity of evaluating whether they are complementary, in coexistence or conflict with each other (Hollway et al 2007). The introduction highlighted that perspectives are multidimensional; the dimensions of these perspectives that interrelate and are available for comparison are in no way limited to the theories created by each one. Focus is now placed upon the methodologies within the four perspectives mentioned and the corresponding nature vs. nurture debate to evaluate these perspectives relationships with each other. The perspective that explores the role nature plays in human experience and behavior is the biological and evolutionary. Scientific approaches examining genes and biological structures provide the evidence within this perspective. The Biological perspective proposes that there is an association with genetic and physiological aspects of sex with self-evident implications for gender. PET scanning techniques and the study of material data produced from this provides strength to the claims (Swaab Fliers (1985), Allen Gorski (1990), LeVay (1991), Cooke et al (1998), all cited by Hollway et al (2007), however when used in connection with behavioural and cognitive studies they may only be understood within the light of context and environmental influences (Cooper Roth 2007). Evolutionary psychologists take the view that reproductive stratagies have evolved differently between men and women, this can account for the difference in behavior and sexual attitude. Through experiments (Clark Hatfield (1989) and studies using questionnaires (Buss et al (1992), these claims have been evidenced, however the evidence does not discount other explanations for these behaviors (cited by Hollway et al 2007). The study carried out by Clark Hatfields is consistent with the evolutionary perspective, suggesting that behavior is passed through generations as genetically programmed, however the findings also support sexual behavior being influenced by cultural patterns and social pressure, therefore consistent with the social constructionist perspective (Hollway et al 2007). Both perspectives emphasise the influence of nature in human behavior demonstrating they are complimentary to one another, however they can also be considered to coexist as they both use a scientific method using systematic observation of phenomena under experimentation. The hermeneutic method is adopted by both the social constructionist and psychoanalytical approach directed by subjective data collection and analysis and the focus is on interpretation which is provided by a persons beliefs and experiences. The Psychoanalytic perspective recognizes the significance of biological dissimilarity along with the cultural and social meanings of these dissimilarities, and the social constuctionist perspectives explores the significance of culture and context in the construction of ideas about gender (Hollway et al 2007). The argument raised by the social constructionist is that gender is a product of culture rather than something which can be explained through biological sex status, thus conflicting with the general hypothesis raised by biological and evolutionary methodology and in contrast exhibits the   effect of nature on gender development. Historical and social context provide the framework for experience, behavior and knowledge regarding sex and gender in the social constructionist perspective, additionally discourse analysis has afforded support for gender-appropriate behaviours between girls and boys, in relation to school activities and subjects and toys (Haywood Mac an Ghaill (1996), cited by Hollway et al 2007). The psychodynamic perspective attempts to comprehend how girls and boys obtain a sexed and gendered sense of self, as they grow up, within the family context. This perspective acknowledges the significance of biological and societal accounts; an exemplar is exploring how a baby, sexed by its biology and gendered by society, acquires psychological gender that becomes fundamental to its later development as a person (Hollway et al 2007). Comparable with the social constructionist perspective, social discourses are assessed, accordingly the two perspectives are complementary as they both acquire understanding of experiences being gendered through the hermeneutic approach. It is however emphasized by Cooper Roth (2007) that psychoanalysis, unlike most other perspectives, is unable to validate its claims. Psychoanalysis is unique in recognizing the role of biological and social factors, consequently that nature and nurture are both equally significant within sex and gender, this could therefore lead to a complementary relationship or even so far as coexisting with all three other perspectives. Together these four perspectives, to differing extents, place significance upon biological and social factors which signifies them complementing one another. Due to the distinctiveness of the claims within each perspective however, an argument could be raised that the perspectives coexist as the differences are significant. In seeking an understanding of a topic such as those outlined in this assignment, various perspectives can be complementary as they all endeavor to elucidate phenomena. In conclusion there is a lot to be gained by studying a topic in psychology from more than one perspective as the propositions considered within psychology are multidimensional for example the theory; the methods and data used; the levels of analysis, and themes such as nature or nurture. Understanding topics such as language and meaning, or sex and gender, is enhanced by the wealth of information that the variety of perspectives offer. By studying a topic in psychology from more than one perspective and evaluating whether perspectives coexist, conflict or complement each other reinforces the dynamism and vibrancy of psychology.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gangs Essay -- Gang Essays

When was the last time you were able to turn on the news and not hear about some sort of violent act? Crime is a growing concern amongst most cities, and street gangs are behind a lot of the trouble. Street gangs have plagued the streets for centuries and there is no stopping the urge to commit such hideous crimes. Gangs grow from recruiting young kids but what makes a kid decide to join a crime filled lifestyle. The gang life contains many negative aspects including the most notorious reason for violence, drugs. Getting high seems appealing to many students but with the excitement of getting high comes the responsibility of buying and selling the drugs. The biggest reason for a gang to start would be drugs. Marijuana might seem like a harmless drug but it can be the most dangerous drug to start doing. When someone smokes marijuana it attracts them to use other drugs and these addictions need gang support. Addictions attract young kids to this lifestyle to keep themselves supplied with drugs. With the drug lifestyle comes the violent aspect of it. Violence is important to gangs because it draws fear in the eyes of those who try to stand up to them. Violence is the worst aspect of gang life because it keeps getting worse as gangs keep growing larger. Violent acts are the biggest reason society has a negative outlook on gang life. But young gang members don’t start out using violent acts to get attention but by simple crimes like shoplifting. Even though shoplifting is a crime that puts people in jail, it seems like an easy way for attention for young kids. Shoplifting is also a very addicting activity because it’s a rush for the people that do it. Shoplifting can start out with something small like a keychain but then it keeps getting worse as one keeps stealing bigger things like money and electronics. When a young kid gets involved with gang activity their personality changes in a bad way. Now that the young gang member is part of some kind of illegal crimes their personality changes because they feel unstoppable. These young kids feel invincible, almost as if nobody can stand in their way, which can be a big problem to the people who stand in their way. These kids act as though they have no fear so this leads to more crime, which further leads to jail time. So why would young kids want to join a life of crime? The answers are numerous. Some kids a... ...f supplied and to make your profit. The next step up from being a drug dealer is to perform acts of violence to keep your gang feared. These are the kids who nobody dare mess with because rumors and stories spread quickly which makes them seem more popular. When the gang kids hear about them they instantly try to recruit them bribing them with drugs and money. These kids then have to be ready to fight the gang’s battles if anything ever gets bad. Then there are the ones who are on the top of the gang life ladder who gives out all the orders, which the others will follow. These are the kids that normally don’t deal drugs or use violence to scare people but are very smart. I consider them to be the most dangerous because they are the ones who control all the other gang members and use their powerful minds to bring fear to those who try to defy them. Gangs will forever be in the media and as long as crime still plagues the streets gangs will be recruiting young kids for there evil deeds. Family and friends need to stop ignoring the younger generation because their lives aren’t as simple as everyone thinks. Growing up isn’t easy and to find comfort in this lifestyle is very easy.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Everyone has neighbours, that much is obvious. Whether they live down the street or if they live within throwing distance. Every person, every family, and every neighbourhood is different. Some neighbours can be very inconsiderate, and then there are some who are very considerate towards helping and respecting others. The inconsiderate neighbour is the one constantly playing loud music, and when someone complains they do not change their ways at all. The considerate neighbour may be the one who is always lending a helping hand; even before you ask for help.Then there is the silent neighbour, who may fall into either category, being considerate or inconsiderate depending how you want your neighbours to be. Whether your neighbours are the inconsiderate loud type or the considerate, over friendly and helpful type it is all about personal preference and how you want your neighbours to be and act towards you. All types of neighbours are an important part to each community, they can help u s to learn to communicate and relate to all different types of people. Whether they are noisy and inconsiderate, silent and keep to themselves, or if they are helpful and considerate, they are all our neighbours.An inconsiderate neighbour may be the worst type of neighbour to have. They can be anything from loud to Just plain out rude. An inconsiderate neighbour is usually the one who stays up late and comes home late, driving fast, squealing their tires around corners, and slamming the car doors. They play loud music with no cares as to who is sleeping. The worst part is the typical inconsiderate person has bad taste in music, so when they get home late playing loud music it is usually bad music; which makes it even worse. Playing loud music and coming home late is not the only thing that makes someone inconsiderate.And inconsiderate neighbour does not care for anyone or respect anyone, this neighbour will not change their ways due to complaints from others. Every street has its fa ir share of inconsiderate neighbours; neighbours and I all share the same feeling towards one family. They always tend to ask favours and never do anything in return. They have come to my cottage many times asking to use the phone, computer, or some type of tool. But if anyone in my family or I was to ask a favour we would get shooed away, and feel as if we are intruding or being a pain by asking a small favour.These same neighbours have sed my family dock many times and have broken parts off it at least two times. They never offer to offer to fix it or even apologize. The one time was when these specific neighbours had their boat tied to the dock and we needed to tie our boat there, but of course their boat was taking up all the room, and left us in an awkward position where we could not even park at our own dock. Of course the typical inconsiderate neighbour is stereotyped in playing loud music and most of the time it is bad music. And of course these neighbours at my cottage play their fair share of bad music; at least I think it is bad music.Many people may feel that an inconsiderate neighbour is the one who is rude, disrespectful, plays bad music loudly, and who has no care for the opinion of others. Some people may even believe that the silent neighbour who keeps to themselves is being inconsiderate. A silent neighbour may be an inconsiderate or considerate neighbour. It all depends on personal preference, about how you want your neighbours to act towards you. If you prefer to have neighbours who keep to themselves and stay silent, then these types of people you may say are very considerate neighbours.Although others may say someone who keeps to themselves, who does not attend eighbourhood activities or who does not lend a helping hand when needed, are very inconsiderate. Although everyone has their own idea of a perfect neighbour we usually are not lucky enough to live beside the perfect neighbour. A silent neighbour I think is a good neighbour; they ke ep to themselves and mind their own business. I have a few neighbours at my cottage who I would consider â€Å"silent† neighbours. There is many times where they Just mind their own business and do not attend neighbourly gatherings for no apparent reason.These neighbours specifically do not even allow their children to play with other young children in the area. A few years ago I was put in a situation where I had to ask one of my silent neighbours who was an ex- nurse for a favour. I had cut my finger badly while baking and needed to go to the hospital to get stiches, neither my brother nor l, who were the only ones home at the time, were able to drive. We went across the street and asked one of our neighbours who we barely talk to if she could look at my finger and drive me to the hospital if needed.Of course she was able to tell me I needed stitches and drive me to the hospital. Sometimes these neighbours come off as inconsiderate, but I believe they Just refer to keep to themselves and not be bothered. Of course in case of an emergency these neighbours are always there to help if asked, or if something needed to be borrowed. I believe silent neighbours are good neighbours, because most of the time they are considerate towards your being, considerate towards loud music, and will be there for a favour if you ever needed and asked.There are many neighbours who Just prefer to keep to themselves, and then there are neighbours who are always out and There are all types of considerate and inconsiderate neighbours, someone who is oud or stays out late, I would consider them inconsiderate. There are also many types of considerate neighbours, those who Just keep to themselves, then those who are extremely helpful and friendly. I believe having considerate and helpful neighbours is always a good thing. They are there to help before being asked, and they always have the tools you need to borrow.The typical helpful neighbour is always very friendly and outgoing, they are always outside or around on the street, talking to or helping other neighbours. The helpful neighbour always has the proper tools or items you would need for whatever it is you are doing. At my cottage there are many neighbours who will come and help with a project if you ask for help. But when I think of one specific neighbour who is extremely helpful and very friendly, there is one person who sticks out in my mind. We all know someone, or have someone on our street or at our cottages that is like this.My experience with this helpful neighbour is whenever we have to take the docks out it in the fall or put the docks back in, in the spring. There has been a few times my family has been taking docks out, or putting them in cold 15 degrees Celsius water and this specific eighbour came down to my cottage and Just Jumped into the water to help, even without asking if we needed help or if we even wanted help. This small gesture done by this neighbour always sticks out in my min d because he came and helped without is asking for help.My dad is the type of person who I would consider a helpful neighbour, he will always offer help to someone but will not ask for help when he needs help. The other day he was helping out a neighbour who is adding an extension on to his house. One of the roof beams had fallen and landed on my dad's forehead. He had to go to the hospital and get 24 stitches and a scan for a oncussion. When he was out of the hospital I asked him if he would go back and finish helping the neighbour, and he said of course he would.My dad is the type of person I would enjoy having as my neighbour, he is always there to lend a helping hand no matter what has occurred. Typically a helpful neighbour is very friendly and outgoing. My neighbour at the cottage and my dad are both very friendly and outgoing, at times it becomes a little bit excessive but we all enjoy having extra help, especially with Jobs we do not want to do. There are many types of neigh bours, noisy and loud, silent and private, or riendly, outgoing and helpful.Everyone has the perfect neighbour they wish they could have, but most of the time we get stuck with a few inconsiderate and a few considerate neighbours. But all these types of neighbours are what makes our communities exciting and fun. Everyone has neighbours and everyone has the perfect idea of how they want their neighbours to be and act. My perfect neighbour would be ones who have fun, and enjoy themselves but who are respective to those around them, when they come home late, by not slamming doors or squealing tires in the middle of the night.My erfect neighbour would be friendly, helpful, and outgoing to an extent. They would know how to mind their own business and not intrude, but when invited out or to a neighbourhood gathering they will attend. Writing this has me thinking about what type of neighbour I am. I believe everyone has their moments of being a perfect neighbour could be makes me thankful to the neighbours who I have at my house and my cottage. All neighbours share their own part in our community, they help us to learn to communicate, and relate to inconsiderate and considerate people. Makes you wonder, what type of neighbour are you?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Psychology of Body Language

Navarro, Joe. (2008, January 1). Fast forces of attraction. Retrieved from http://www. psychologytoday. com/articles/200712/fast-forces-attraction | â€Å"Pitch correlates only loosely with height, but is closely tied to hormone levels—meaning it's a good indicator of fertility or dominance, as well as health and attractiveness. â€Å"In general, people with attractive voices have attractive faces,† says David Feinberg, a psychologist at McMaster University. † (pg. )| This is interesting because well one the use of the word correlation in this statement made me think of the correlation research method. Did they do actual research? And then I continued to where David Feinberg made his statement, and I believe this is untrue because again each person’s perception is different, I then continued to think of the saying â€Å"you have a face for radio† it just seemed contradictory. | | | â€Å"Accents affect our perceptions, as do speed and pitch. We jud ge fast talkers to be more educated, and those with varied inflection to be more interesting. Men prefer higher voices in women, and women like deeper voices in men (especially when ovulating or looking for a short-term relationship)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 1)| When the word â€Å"perception† came about I immediately thought of the Cognitive Prospective. | †¦Ã¢â‚¬ That's why our brains have set us up to draw instantaneous inferences from tiny nuances of behavior, what psychologists call â€Å"thin slices† of judgment. We form first impressions of another's attractiveness in a tenth of a second, generating a symphonic burst of desire in which everything from voice to wit plays a part†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( pg. ). | This section made me think that they used the Biological Prospective to explain the reasoning and help make it easier to see. | â€Å"People like people whom others find attractive. You might be inclined to think it's because socializing with (or sleeping with) the It girl enhances your own status in the crowd. † (pg. 2)| Right here is a great example of the Socio-cultural Prospective. It’s all about where you stand in our society today, and by this statement it is easy to see because it is very true. Its seems most evident in college students, seeing it firsthand. | â€Å"Most of us are drawn to those who hail from our own side of the tracks, and men and women are marrying within their social class much more than ever. † (pg. 2)| Again a perfect example of Sociocultural Prospective. | â€Å"†¦But ask 5,000 people and clear patterns emerge. Some traits have universal sex appeal because they're markers of good genes, health, and fertility: a fit body, clear skin, a symmetrical face with average-sized and -shaped features, and traits that mark sex hormones†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. )| Now this section exemplifies the Evolutionary Prospective because people, even unknowingly, look for these traits because they want they’re offspring to be the strongest the fittest, which made me think of Darwinism. ‘The strong will survive. † The stronger, healthier, smarter, and most attractive evolve, the stay alive and most importantly pass their genes on. | Summary: this article was quite interesting, it talked about all aspects of attraction and explained from various prospectives of psychology. It talked about physical attributes such as looks, voice, health ect, to the mental part of attraction. | |